Gena Pedi Cure Foot Treatment Crème 250ml
Gena Pedi Cure Foot Treatment Crème 250ml
Gena pedi cure foot treatment crème 250ml
Gena Pedi Cure is a non-greasy botanical crème with Peppermint Oil and Lavender, helps to keep calloused and dry skin soft and moisturised. Massage daily onto feet, giving extra attention to the hard, calloused skin areas.  READ MORE
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Gena Pedi Cure is a non-greasy botanical crème with Peppermint Oil and Lavender, helps to keep calloused and dry skin soft and moisturised.

Massage daily onto feet, giving extra attention to the hard, calloused skin areas. 

Gena Pedi Cure is a non-greasy botanical crème with Peppermint Oil and Lavender, helps to keep calloused and dry skin soft and moisturised.

Massage daily onto feet, giving extra attention to the hard, calloused skin areas.