Supernail Cuticle Oil 118ml - Professional Salon Brands
Supernail Cuticle Oil 118ml - Professional Salon Brands
Supernail cuticle oil 118ml
Cuticle Oil 118ml. Moisten cotton lightly with Cuticle Oil. Apply and massage onto cuticle. Remove excess with towel. For deeper penetration, the Cuticle Oil may be warmed to aid in softening the cuticle and help in the restoration of dry brittle nails. READ MORE
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Cuticle Oil 118ml. Moisten cotton lightly with Cuticle Oil. Apply and massage onto cuticle. Remove excess with towel. For deeper penetration, the Cuticle Oil may be warmed to aid in softening the cuticle and help in the restoration of dry brittle nails.

Cuticle Oil 118ml. Moisten cotton lightly with Cuticle Oil. Apply and massage onto cuticle. Remove excess with towel. For deeper penetration, the Cuticle Oil may be warmed to aid in softening the cuticle and help in the restoration of dry brittle nails.